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Sidewalk Repair For Your New York City Property

Sidewalk repair

When your New York City sidewalks have begun to break down or crack, you need to contact ContractorsIn Masonry & Brickwork for sidewalk repair that will give you more benefits than you ever expected. Sidewalks are often the most traversed portion of a property, and as such, are often the most worn down and in need of repairs. If you're searching for repairs that will take all of the worries out of the experience, we take care of everything from planning to ensure your sidewalk meets state codes.

Signs You May Need Sidewalk Repair

Sidewalks are some of the most used parts of your property and, as such, need to be in good condition. New York City's Department of Transportation (DOT) will issue violations for improperly maintained sidewalks, so it's important to preserve the safety and quality of your property's sidewalks. When you receive a violation, you have 45 days to make the correction to the sidewalk as detailed by the violation, or after that time period, you will be billed for repairs when the city takes them on themselves. It is often in the best interest to not allow the 45 days to elapse because you will have control of choosing the best company to complete your repairs and prevent further expenses from a less than stellar fix. Some signs that you may need to invest in a sidewalk repair from your brick repair pros are if your sidewalks:

  • Show signs of cracking or crumbling
  • Have warping or buckling on the surface
  • Have drainage issues that could cause collapse or deterioration

Benefits Of Sidewalk Repair

There are numerous benefits from sidewalk repair, especially when performed by a company that really knows how to take care of what you need. ContractorsIn Masonry & Brickwork is experienced in performing repairs that can deliver you all of these benefits no matter the service we are providing, from a to z, brick repairs to asphalt repairs. The advantages you will receive from a competent company carrying out your asphalt repairs are more than just avoiding violations from DOT, you'll also see improvements in the lifespan of the overall structure and a great visual boost that will add to the overall look of your entire property.

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Contact Us

If you are looking for prompt sidewalk repair in the New York City area, then please call 917-861-5552 or complete our online request form.