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Window Lintels And Why It's Important They're In Good Condition

Window lintels repair

Window lintels are the horizontal structures that lay across the top of a window and are used for load-bearing purposes. Investing in window lintels repairs is a good way to ensure that your lintel is in good condition and continues to benefit your home or building. If you are a property owner, you should seek out window lintel inspection regularly to ensure you aren't in need of repairs. Our masonry and brickwork experts do repairs, not just on window lintels, but for:

  • Brick
  • Sidewalks
  • Fire Escapes
  • Asphalt
  • Plus, More

Window Lintels Carry A Heavy Load

Lintels are important load-bearing structures. They allow for the load of the wall to be distributed outward so that the full force of everything above a window is not directly applied down on it. Were the lintel not there to take the brunt of the weight, the window itself would not be able to support the weight of the entire mass that sits above it. Windows and doors are considered "weak points" structurally as they are unable to bear weight without the lintels, making them invaluable elements of a wall.

Moisture Build Up

A well-maintained lintel is responsible for redirecting water to ensure that it doesn't get into the interior of a home. Excessive moisture inside of a home or building from the window is often the first indication a property owner notices when a lintel is in need of repair. Excessive moisture, of course, poses the threat of rotting any wooden elements such as a windowsill that the moisture may come in contact with as well as promoting the growth of moisture, which may very well be inside. A lintel that is in good condition will channel water to where it is meant to be: away from the interior of a building.

Keeping The Heat Where It Belongs

It may come as a surprise to property owners, but lintels are responsible for ensuring that heat doesn't escape, and that the interior of a building is protected from cold weather. Dampness and condensation can lead to heat being sapped from the interior of the building, but lintels help prevent that. Window lintels are expertly crafted and installed to avoid what is known as thermal bridging, which can deplete the heat. Generally, a pocket or cavity is created in the wall above the lintel, which is insulated, adding even more protection from heat loss.

Contact Us

Keep your window lintels in good condition by calling 917-861-5552 or complete our online service request form.