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Frequently Asked Brick Repair Questions - Answered By ContractorsIn Masonry & Brickwork

What Is Brick Pointing?

Brick pointing is the process of replacing brick mortar between your bricks where it has begun to crumble or deteriorate over time. Brick pointing is essential to ensure water isn't able to seep through these broken-down joints.

When Do I Know I Need Brick Repairs?

There are many signs to look for that may indicate you need brick repairs from your brick repair professionals, such as:

  • Cracking or missing mortar
  • Bricks that aren't their original shape or have cracks
  • Signs of moisture within the building

Is It True An Unsafe Fire Escape May Violate the New York City Building Code?

Yes. If a fire escape is deemed unsafe, and it serves as the chief point of egress in the case of fire, building owners can face action upon building inspections. This is why it's important to contact us in the event that you suspect your fire escapes may need updating or care.

What Types Of Asphalt Repairs Do You Offer?

We can repair a variety of asphalt surfaces from walkways to parking lots. Contact ContractorsIn Masonry & Brickwork to see if we can handle your asphalt repair project.

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Contact Us

If you are looking for more answers to your brick repair questions in New York City, ask us today with a phone call to 917-861-5552 or complete our online service request form.